Monday, December 14, 2009
CS Performance
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Chorus Performance
For those who would like to come, here is the info:
Friday, Dec. 18th at 12:30 p.m. at University Mall in the old Mervyn's Court
Monday, Dec. 21 at Bonneville Elementary at 7 p.m.
I don't expect you come, I just always forget to let everyone know about this sort of thing. If you want to great, but not a big deal if you don't.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Let's Catch Up, Shall We?
Laura, Kathrin, Tracie, and Myself went to the SYTYCD show last Saturday. It was so amazing. My fav. dance is still Jeanine and Jayson choreographed by Travis Wall. Second fav. is the Addicted piece by Mia Micheals. Third is the Breast cancer dance choreographed by Tyce Dioreo. All of the dancers were so beautiful and I had a blast. It was allot of fun to hang out with the sister in laws.
I got a job teaching an Advanced Ballet class at Center Stage in Orem. Center Stage is a pretty prestigious dance studio, with allot of alumni that have joined Odyessey, appeared on SYTYCD or Dancing with the Stars. I love teaching there, I have to say it is my favorite place I have taught at so far. I have about 16 students and I love them. I have only had one girl with an attitude problem so far and they love to get chatty, but I have really cracked the whip on them and things are awesome. I am so grateful for the lessons I learned while owning the studio, which is pretty much all we got out of it. But I feel like I am such a better teacher because of that experience, and it sure added allot to my resume. I am so grateful that my love for ballet can still be a part of my life. I love it!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Me looking in on a Catholic Mass.
Coming out of a cave that smelled like pee.
Blurry pic. Sorry.
Al covered in sunscreen and sand, drinking his drink.
The first or second night there, we went to this restaurant "Jasmin's".
At the hotel's restaurant "Mamma Mia".
In most boutique type stores and street vendors you could negotiate the price. Which I actually really enjoyed. I was actually nervous at first, but when I realized I would just end up paying extra if I didn't negotiate. I got a $20 dollar item for $8. I love a good deal! The only Spanish I really learned was: Donda esta el Banias (Spell?- Where is the bathroom)? We ate soooo much food. I gained 4 lbs on the trip, which is actually good considering how much I ate. We went through so many boxes of Oreo's (Although Alan ate most of them:) ) My favorite part of the trip was sleeping in every day, not cleaning, and not taking care of kids. It was such a good break.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Victoria's Baptisim
Date: October 31 (Halloween)
Time: 10 a.m.
Where: Our Stake Center (965 W. 2000 N. Orem, Ut 84057)
Following the Baptisim, we will be having a luncheon at our house. We will be having Soup in bread bowls. If you would like to bring something, pick from the list below and then comment so we know what to expect.
Creamy Soups for bread bowls
Thinner soups we will have in regular bowls
Halloween Treats or Regular treats
Apple Cider
We hope to see you all there.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Audrey!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Happy 31st Birthday Alan!
First official time:
There was this cute blond curly haired fellow visiting my seminary class my senior year, I think it was November or December. I was talking to some classmates and inviting them to come see me dance in the Nutcracker. Alan said "If I come see you dance, will you give me a kiss afterwards?" Yeah, he was pretty dang flirty back then.
First time:
I was at a school stomp maybe a month later. I saw Alan and his friends dancing in a group near my friends. He came up to me and pretended to be shy and said "um, will you um, dance, um..."
I interrupted him and said "Will you dance with me?" He told me later that "I danced really close to him." We were both pretty smitten with each other. Soon after he asked me to go to Jr. prom with him. He asked me to go on a date with him before Jr. prom, and said we needed to go on a date before Jr. prom because he had a rule that he couldn't kiss on the first date. Yeah, i know. He was extremely forward. Jr. Prom was a blast, i was falling for him so fast, and yes we did kiss. I wore this long beautiful red dress, and while we were dancing the song "Lady in Red" came on. All of Al's friends were singing " lady in red, is dancing with Alan." So, that became our song. We danced to it at our wedding. I remember my fav. thing about Alan was that I felt like I could tell him anything. We would talk for hours and hours on the phone. Not only was I head over heals in love with him, but he was quickly becoming one of my best friends. We stopped "dating" soon after we started (2 or 3 weeks) because this was getting way to serious and he wanted to go on a mission and didn't want anything to stand in the way of that. I respected that.
Alan, Happy Birthday! Te Adora mi Vida. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I love you. April
Monday, August 24, 2009
Breaking Dawn
NYC #3

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Ellie's blessing is on August 30th!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mary Stuart Masterson
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Ellie's Blessing
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Party Time!
P.S. Ellie slept through the night, last night! Yeah!