How Alan and I met:
First official time:
There was this cute blond curly haired fellow visiting my seminary class my senior year, I think it was November or December. I was talking to some classmates and inviting them to come see me dance in the Nutcracker. Alan said "If I come see you dance, will you give me a kiss afterwards?" Yeah, he was pretty dang flirty back then.
First time:
I was at a school stomp maybe a month later. I saw Alan and his friends dancing in a group near my friends. He came up to me and pretended to be shy and said "um, will you um, dance, um..."
I interrupted him and said "Will you dance with me?" He told me later that "I danced really close to him." We were both pretty smitten with each other. Soon after he asked me to go to Jr. prom with him. He asked me to go on a date with him before Jr. prom, and said we needed to go on a date before Jr. prom because he had a rule that he couldn't kiss on the first date. Yeah, i know. He was extremely forward. Jr. Prom was a blast, i was falling for him so fast, and yes we did kiss. I wore this long beautiful red dress, and while we were dancing the song "Lady in Red" came on. All of Al's friends were singing " lady in red, is dancing with Alan." So, that became our song. We danced to it at our wedding. I remember my fav. thing about Alan was that I felt like I could tell him anything. We would talk for hours and hours on the phone. Not only was I head over heals in love with him, but he was quickly becoming one of my best friends. We stopped "dating" soon after we started (2 or 3 weeks) because this was getting way to serious and he wanted to go on a mission and didn't want anything to stand in the way of that. I respected that.
Alan, Happy Birthday! Te Adora mi Vida. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I love you. April
Multiplying Fractions
5 years ago
Okay, I totally got teary eyed. Good Story =). I remember that red dress - you looked gorgeous - as always! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN, you old man you!
Happy Birthday Alan!!!!
No freaking way! "Lady in Red" is our song too! We have way too much in common, Ape!
Good times. Alan is gross. I'm glad you happened to him because he waaay lucked out. :) Happy Birthday!
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