Last night when I was going to bed, I found a little note left by my door. It Read:
Dear Mom,
I have to move out of this room or Adrey moves out of my room. I almost lost my leapster tinkerbell game cause of her and soon my tinkerbell and the princess and the frog game will be lost. And she talks in her sleep and snors at night and becuse of her I can't go to sleep.
Love, Victoria
I feel her pain. Audrey would be such a hard person to share a room with. I think her personality might be a little too big for such a little body. It's a good thing we love her so much.
Alan and I talked it over, and we are going to let Victoria share a room with Ellie for awhile, and Brayden with Audrey. I am little concerned with the Brayden/Audrey Combo...we will see how it goes.
Multiplying Fractions
5 years ago
Ha ha ha ha. That is so so so so so so so so so so so funny. Eleven so's funny. Good luck!!
LOL!!! That is seriously so hilarious! I love that she put it on your door for you to find! So funny! And Audrey really is so crazy and hilarious! LOVE her!
This is just made. my. day. So Funny!!
So awesome! Love that little Tor...they grow up way too fast!
How is the new bedroom situation going?
other than the fact that Audrey and Brayden have a great time playing all night instead of sleeping, it's going good.
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