Brady got a Leapster2 for his birthday (educational video games), and he played it all day long with pretty much the same look on his face!

We held a triple birthday party at Aunt Heather's house (Heidi, Heather, and Brayden), and the cousins had such a blast playing with each other. Left to Right: Victoria, Brady, Dallin, and Austin.

The daycare at the gym I go to painted Brady's face as a lion.

Victoria decided she wanted to dress Brady up as a girl. He is wearing her clothes and boots, and they found my old drill team wig to finish the look. He even talking in a girl voice, it was pretty cute.
Happy Birthday Brady! Brady is such a fun boy, his personality is allot like his dad's and man oh man does he give the best bear hugs ever! I love how his eyes get all squinty when he smiles and how he always loves to snuggle in the morning. He turned 5 years old on March 2ND, which means he will start kindergarten in the fall. Crazy!
Happy Birthday Heidi and Heather! They turned 32 (I hope that's right), on March 1st. I have the best sister's, I feel so lucky to have sisters that care so much about me and my family. I love you guys and hope you have a great year!
Biggest loser people:
These are the people that I think are interested in doing a "Biggest Loser Contest":
Heidi, Heather, Alan, Laura and Kathrin.
Did I miss anyone?
If you are interested let us know, we would love to have more!
OK, if you are participating I would like you to comment on this post with the following things;
Any idea's or rules you may want to have in the contest. Once everyone has commented, we will decide on rules and start. Also, when you want to start and end.
April and Alan's ideas:
1. You have to use the same scale throughout the contest.
2. Could have Biggest loser blog, so we can do a weekly post on our progress, OR we can do it through email.
3. Open a bank account at a bank that is easily accessible to everyone participating. Everyone can deposit entry fee ($50) into account before contest starts. Every week you gain (any) weight you will need to deposit $5 to $10 dollars into the account. Whoever looses the biggest percentage of weight by the last weigh in takes all the money!
4. 3 months long, end June 15Th.
5. Everyone has to set a goal weight loss or percentage before it starts. If we know each others goals, we can help support them.
Please post your idea's!