Mike, Laura, and Tracie.
Craziest day ever!
Chocolate chip pancakes
Bake 2 dozen cupcakes
Straighten up house
take treats to Brayden's Kindergarten class
Clean more
pick up Brayden and Victoria from school
make lunch
frost cupcakes
Host a 6 year old party with mostly boys attending
maybe 45 min. of down time
take toria to ballet
go to mcdonalds for brayden's b day dinner at Brady's party, playing dinosaur memory game.
go bowling
email my ballet boss
update blog right now
Wow, I must love my Brayden!
It really was a fun day, just tiring. Brayden said it was the funnest day ever. Brayden these are the things I love about you: I love how your eyes get squinty when you smile, the big freckle on your nose, that you love to snuggle, and you have such a sweet heart. I love you forever. Mommy.
Chocolate chip pancakes
Bake 2 dozen cupcakes
Straighten up house
take treats to Brayden's Kindergarten class
Clean more
pick up Brayden and Victoria from school
make lunch
frost cupcakes
Host a 6 year old party with mostly boys attending
maybe 45 min. of down time
take toria to ballet
go to mcdonalds for brayden's b day dinner at Brady's party, playing dinosaur memory game.
go bowling
email my ballet boss
update blog right now
Wow, I must love my Brayden!
It really was a fun day, just tiring. Brayden said it was the funnest day ever. Brayden these are the things I love about you: I love how your eyes get squinty when you smile, the big freckle on your nose, that you love to snuggle, and you have such a sweet heart. I love you forever. Mommy.
I can't believe he's 6 already! I still remember posting a sign on your garage when you came home from the hospital and coming over to shovel snow. Where did the time go?
Cutest, smartest, and sweetest little boy ever! WE LOVE YOU, BRAYDEN!!!!!
Happy Birthday Brayden! See you tomorrow!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Big Boy!! We sure do love Brady an awful lot!! And bowling was so much fun!! What a great idea!
I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!! (now that I don't have to host parties and invite all the neighborhood kids! :) Brayden's birthday dinner and bowling were so much fun!
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