I am going to New York City on Thursday night! I cannot tell you how excited I am! This will be my first airplane trip, and this is the #1 place in the world I always wanted to visit. All the best ballet companies and schools in the world are in NY. I want to go visit the School of American Ballet (the school from the movie Center Stage) and maybe the Joffrey ballet. We are going to see 2, maybe 3 Broadway plays (The Little Mermaid, Mama Mia, and maybe Wicked), the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, Times Square, etc... I am so excited! I was telling Alan last night that yes, I am so excited to go to New York, but I am just as excited to be my own person for four days. I will only have to take care of myself, no diapers to change, no bread to make, no multiple sets of teeth to brush etc... I love taking care of my kids, but a break is much needed, especially before baby #4 arrives. I am so grateful that Tracie let me tag along on her Dance Co. trip, Thanks Tracie!
Also, we put an offer on a house in Orem that we really like. It is not a short sale, so there is a really good possibility that it will go through. We made them an offer on Saturday night and they got back to us this morning saying our offer was too low, so we counter offered there asking price. They are supposed to get back to us today again. This house was built in 1973 and is a split entry. 6 bedrooms and 2 bath. The best part is, is that it has a separate mother in law apartment with separate entrance completely finished and being rented out right now. The family wants to stay if we will let them (score!) This is actually the only way we could afford a house right now, so we really hope we get it. Other things it has are: a fenced and finished back yard, 4 or 5 mature trees, a two car garage, and a full sprinkler system.
If any of you know us well, you know that we have never really been that good with money. We have been working hard to change that. I am in charge of the budget, and I must say, I am so proud of what we have accomplished. One thing that Alan and I have always struggled with is spending miscellaneous amounts of money on random not budgeted for things. So I came up with the idea to give he and I get a $25 allowance every time he gets paid. We can spend this money how ever we want, no questions asked. This has helped us the most! It has taken us a long time to get our finances under control after the studio. I know we have been commanded to get out of all unnecessary debt, and I know when Heavenly Father commands us to do something, he also provides a way for us to accomplish it. I feel like in almost every part of our lives this is true. We are so blessed and I am grateful.
One more thing! Our friends the Wilkerson's need help! They recently found out that they need to get invetro fertilization to be able to conceive another baby (they have been trying for over 5 years). They don't have the money they need to pay for this expensive procedure. Lyndee has come up with a way to earn money to pay for it on their own. She makes the most adorable knitted hats has dedicated a blog to selling these hats to raise money for their baby. Please just take a second and check out her blog. www.wilkersonivffund.blogspot.com
Multiplying Fractions
5 years ago
I really am so excited for you to go to New York, I know that you guys will have so much fun! I just have one request... please take LOTS and LOTS of pictures!
I will keep my finger crossed for you guys that everything goes perfect with the house! It sounds great for you guys! And good job with the budget! We totally need to follow your example and do an allowance - what a great idea!
Have fun April and be safe! Enjoy your time off to yourself! Try to have fun but also try to get a few moments to relax since you don't have much down time normally! Keep us posted with the house development.. Sounds exciting! (Although deep down I was fantasizing that you would get the house in my neighborhood!)
That sounds so exciting! I'm glad you get to go visit the Ballet Companies and stuff...that will be so much fun for you! BTW, thank you so much for linking to my blog...you're such a dear friend and we miss you guys! We need to get together again soon! I hope everything goes well with the house...that is awesome that that family wants to stay...it will definitely help out. Big high five for your budget success! It's hard, but so worth it! Love you guys!
I am so proud of you guys. The house news is so exciting, I can't wait to see it. Be safe and have fun in NY. I will have fun with your kiddos on Monday. Talk to you soon!
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