Ellie loves cake
Audrey in a leotard sitting ON the table next to her cake
Weird pattern of candles, it looks kinda like a J.
Wow, he has allot of kids!
"Chips Ahoy, just what I wanted!" These cookies were from one of the kids.
I took the kids to go see Despicable Me on Saturday night because Daddy was hunting. Surprisingly, the kids were perfect Angels and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Ellie at Victoria's Soccer game.
Grandma Shirley had one of the birthdays.
Heather and Sean
Meliek made the Lego dude that was sewing for my mom's birthday. What a thoughtful gift, she loved it.
What is that face?
Brayden's First day of First Grade.
Victoria and Brayden with our down stairs neighbor Carlos. They walk to school together every morning.
My brother in law Erik and my sister invited all the nieces and nephews to come up to Strawberry and go Crawdad fishing with them, and then come back to his folks cabin and cook em' up. To Crawdad fish; you tie a chicken drumstick to a piece of string, throw it in the lake, then pull the chicken up and retrieve the Crawdad (which can be a little creepy, because you have to grab it). It was such a blast! We had a feast of Crawdads, Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, and Sausages sprinkled with Cajun seasoning. Oh my! So Delicious! The Crawdads were pretty good, if you could get past the yellowish green goo that squishes out when you detach the body from the head. Brayden was fascinated with the little things, and was tearing it apart one piece at a time and inspecting every inch of it. That kid should be and doctor and make use of his fearlessness to things that most people would be squeamish too. He loves to help Daddy tear apart Doves when he comes back from hunting.
The Crawdad
Aunt Heidi and Audrey
You just fish from the dock, couldn't be funner!