Ellie eating birthday cake on her birthday.

Ellie eating a birthday cupcake at the Geertsen May Birthday Party. The birthday party was for Erik, Ellie, Meliek, and Amber. We would have loved to include Dan, but he is in jail right now and will be for the next 2 years. We (Alan, myself, and the kids) went down to Manti to visit Dan in jail on his birthday. He said it was the be present he could have gotten. He has longer hair now and said life is pretty boring. He said they made weights out of water bags and they are either working out or watching TV. He really likes watching Ellen, he said she seems like such a happy person. He wants to change and hates it in jail. I told him we all will love him no matter what, but we do hope he can stay out of trouble.

My nephew Austin, Victoria, and Brayden.

My nephew Dallin with Audrey eating chips? I can't tell...

My nephew Meliek.

My neice Jayda.

Ellie playing with Grammy.

Audry climbed into the bath with one of the kids.
Video of Ellie of eating her birthday Dinner.