So, I am excited that I am pregnant. But I must say I am tired of always feeling like I need to puke. It is especially bad 7-10 am, but still feel pretty nauseous the whole day. Things that have made me throw up: The way Brady chews. Lots of food, mouth always open. I said to him "Brady, please close your mouth when you chew, I am going to throw up!" Chomp, Chomp, Chomp... Next thing I know I am running to the toilet, barely making it in time. I have thrown up grape juice twice now, I don't know if it is a coincidence or grape juice. And not eating quick enough in the mornings. But, I am now 12 weeks on Sunday soooo, if things go the way they usually do, it should be over it pretty soon. Alan, was saying today "Can you believe soon we will have another little tiny baby wrapped like a burrito, laying it down to sleep!" I can't believe it, but it is becoming more real all the time. I guess we need to think about names. By the way, I have a baby bump. April
I still haven't quite figured out the picture thing yet, but this is one of Victoria at Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point.